Friday, July 18, 2008


"La passion de ton amour intact
Fond la vitre qui sépare nos mains,
J'ai besoin de tes paroles, de ton sourire.
Pendant que les mondes courent à leur perte,
Laisse-moi t'aimer encore ici un moment."
(Hélène Sobell)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Results (first year)

Got my results this afternoon. =)

French literature (written): 8
French literature (oral) : 14
TPE + oral presentation : 14
Biology/Chemistry/Physics : 14
Maths/Informatics : 18

Got 34 points plus ^^
sooo happy

Tuesday, July 8, 2008



...was the day I fell for you. =)

Just love you sooooooooo much darlin .


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Exams are finally over. Had a lack of concentration today, but still hope I made it.
Besides, I was asked to explain an extract from a book I prayed not to be questioned abt.
But anyway, it's done...will know my results next week.


Shall I .......?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Why do I always tend to make things difficult?
Why do I always disappoint others?
Why am I always so selfish ?
Why do I always seek for destruction?
Why am I trying to find pain in everything that happens?


.....Why do I always realize my mistakes when it's too late?